Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who Are the Real Terrorists?

As I watch the actions of our most powerful governments and our most influential religions, I am inspired to ask myself and you:

Who are the real terrorists in this world?  Have we allowed our governments and religions---institutions supposedly designed to nurture and support us---to become our most virulent terrorists? 

I ask you to contemplate this, and to ask yourself also if your own identification with your ego-self is something you have created to terrorize your wiser, higher self?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What to Do When You Experience Fear

The media along with many of our religious and governmental institutions are whipping up more and more fear these days.  What can you do about it?

When you feel fear coming on, here are some simple responses that you can choose.

1) Feel the feeling of anxiety, despair, or uncertainty. 

2) Take three deep and long breaths.  Holding each one in for a few seconds before releasing slowly.

3) Sit down, close your eyes and focus on your heart.  Smile as you ask your heart:  What can I remember right now   that will bring me back to calm?  Choose silence for at least a few minutes as you keep your eyes closed and keep the smile on your face.

What do you notice when you do this?

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Hi, My name is Carlo Ami. As a spiritual writer, my quest is to create potentially spiritually-inspiring ideas with as few words as possible.

I'm going to do something very different on this blog than on the one I have on my website--
http://www.yourpausebutton.com/blogs.html The website there has a free "Pause Session" on the homepage.

Here, I will post two to three times per week very brief ideas for your contemplation, one to three sentences of something that may be spiritual juice for you. They will usually be in the form of either a belief statement or a question. If it is a belief statement, I ask you to ponder it from the level of your heart and ask your heart if it fits you. Ask your heart---rather than your head---to digest it and determine its value for you. If it does not fit you, then I ask you to create your own truth on the topic and then choose to live that truth.

I will also post here pictures I have taken, one at a time. You might gaze at the photograph and be with it, seeing what might be in it for you to appreciate. I am including the first of these here, below my signature.
As we move towards an extended era of harmony and peace in our world, we are more and more often invited to take the loving response to life, rather than the fearful one. Considering these brief ideas may be something that you can use to help propel yourself and your world into the time of complete peace more gracefully.

To let you know a little more about who I am, I am linking this short video that is designed to provoke your heart to express itself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6EqyzxjXag. Here is the first thought for you:

The only true power is based in love. Why not me?
Happy, Free, Calm and Powerful. Now.

My intent is to be of service. Your feedback is appreciated.

All Love,

Carlo Ami